ACIST CVi™ Instruction Videos Playlist (Global, Non-US) (NEW)

The ACIST CVi® Contrast Delivery System is designed for the precise administration of radiopaque contrast media during angiographic procedures. It delivers contrast media to a catheter at a flow rate determined by the user. The hand controller and other necessary items are included in angiographic consumable kits. The CVi® system is easily installed, serviced, and […]

Ultra-Low Contrast Imaging and PCI (NEW)

Dr. Ziad A. Ali, Interventional Cardiologist at Saint Francis Hospital and Heart Center, emphasizes the significance of reducing contrast exposure and utilizing the least nephrotoxic contrast agents in angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention, particularly in patients with pre-existing chronic kidney disease. By implementing intravenous volume hydration, ensuring appropriate catheter engagement, and limiting contrast injection volume, […]

Optimizing PCI Using FFR and HD IVUS Series (Eps 1-3) (NEW)

Dr. Joost Daemen, an Interventional Cardiologist at the Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands and Jurgen Ligthart, a Percutaneous Imaging Specialist at Erasmus, are the hosts of this informative webinar series. The primary focus is on enhancing PCI (percutaneous coronary intervention) using FFR (fractional flow reserve) and HD-IVUS (high-definition intravascular ultrasound). The series addresses the […]

CVi Low Dose Options (NEW)

In this resource, we look at how the ACIST CVi® Contrast Delivery System optimizes contrast supply. Managing contrast supply can help decrease both dose and waste of contrast, while also reducing the risk of post-procedure CI-AKI for patients presenting for coronary angiography procedures. Some of the key CVi® features and methods that can help reduce […]

ACIST CVi™ Value System Brochure (NEW)

This document explores the impact the ACIST CVi® Contrast Delivery System has in reducing angiography complications and cost while delivering value. CVi® can be beneficial in enhancing patient safety, improving workplace safety, and boosting operational efficiency. By reading this document, you will gain insights into the benefits offered by CVi®.   Increasing Patient Safety: Statistics: […]

Pre-and Post-PCI Physiological Assessment with Dr. Arnold Seto (NEW)

Dr. Arnold Seto, Chief of Cardiology Long Beach VA Medical Center, discusses the advancements in pressure sensor wires and catheter technologies. Specifically, he highlights the enhancements made to the ACIST Navvus II® Rapid Exchange FFR MicroCatheter compared to its predecessor, Navvus®. The Navvus II® microcatheter provides several advantages over conventional FFR pressure wire technology, including […]

Dr. Bob Wilson Study – Radiation Scatter in the Cath Lab (NEW)

Dr. Wilson, Interventional Cardiologist and founder of ACIST Medical Systems, discusses the importance of minimizing radiation scatter within the catheterization lab. Until recently, little was known about the specific risks that cath lab professionals could encounter due to radiation exposure and what this means for workplace and provider safety. Consequently, Dr. Wilson and his team […]

HDi Instruction Videos Playlist (NEW)

[Transcript] To power on the system, press the power button on the side of the system console. A system self-test and startup sequence begins. When the power up sequence completes, system login appears. Enter the system login password. A default system login password of 1, 2, 3, 4 is assigned to every console. After installation […]

RXi Instruction Videos Playlist (NEW)

In this informative video, product specialist Guy Nothem introduces the RXi® Rapid Exchange FFR System. The RXi® system, combined with the Navvus® Rapid Exchange Micr0Catheter, employs a cutting-edge fiber optic transducer to ensure precise FFR measurements. Notably, interventional cardiologists can utilize their preferred 0.014″ wire while maintaining optimal wire position within the coronary artery throughout […]

FFR-Guided PCI Optimization Directed by High-Definition IVUS – EuroPCR 2021 (NEW)

From Euro PCR Dr. Joost Daemen, an international cardiologist at Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, discusses the concept of post PCI FFR guided by IVUS. “By using IVUS to assess post-PCI results we were able to optimize the procedure in 80% of the cases. By adding either additional stents, in 30% of the […]

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