DAIC Blog: Enhancing Efficiency and Patient Care with a Modern Injector

Click here to read:   Read this blog to explore the various features and functions of the ACIST CVI® Contrast Delivery Systems. It highlights the range of abilities CVI® has in terms of device capabilities, setup options, and use-case applications. Learn how these features can positively impact the cath lab as a whole including: healthcare […]

Get the Complete Picture: DMC Heart Hospital (NEW)

Watch this video to hear from Dr. Chadi Alraies, Medical Director Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory, Director Interventional Cardiology Research at DMC Heart Hospital in Detroit Michigan, about the usability and benefits of the ACIST CVi® Contrast Delivery System. He speaks about how it is easy to set up, understand, and use. Specifically, Dr, Alraies talks about […]

Improving Patient Outcomes and Reducing Contrast Utilization in the Cath Lab (NEW)

Click here to watch the video. This webinar features Dr. Khuddus, an Interventional Cardiologist at HCA Florida North Florida North Florida Hospital and the Cardiac and Vascular Institute in Gainesville, Florida, and Dr. Doshi, an Interventional Cardiologist at Massachusetts General Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. Dr. Khuddus and Dr. Doshi walk through the use of the […]

Zero-Contrast PCI Using HD IVUS and Physiological Guidance

  Click the image above, or click here to access the video. In partnership with Radcliffe Cardiology, ACIST recorded a case discussion with Dr. Ali, an Interventional Cardiologist at St. Francis Hospital & Health Center, Dr. Daemen, an Interventional Cardiologist at the Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, the Netherlands, and Dr. Jeremias, Associate Director, Cardiac […]

Making a Case for the Variable Rate Contrast Injector (NEW)

  Click here to view article   Dr. Maurice Alston, Interventional Cardiologist at the Tennova Medical Center in Cleveland, TN, provides insights into the significance of variable rate contrast injectors. He explains that using a hand manifold system can be difficult at times and can also create a constant worry of having air embolism. Dr. […]

Post-PCI FFR Values and Post-PCI IVUS Findings – 2-Year FFR REACT Results (NEW)

This study examines the influence of post-PCI intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) evaluation on operator strategy. The objective is to evaluate the effects of additional optimization in patients with low post-PCI FFR values. The trial indicates that performing additional optimization techniques improves post-PCI FFR in patients with FFR < 0.90. The FFR REACT trial utilized IVUS guidance […]

FFR-Guided PCI Optimization Direct by IVUS – 2-Year FFR REACT Results (NEW)

The objective of this study was to examine the impact of IVUS-guided post-PCI optimization on the occurrence of target vessel failure (TVF) at a 2-year follow-up, in comparison to standard of care. The study was conducted after the FFR React trial, where intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) was utilized to guide PCI optimization in patients with post-PCI […]

ACIST CVi™ Instruction Videos Playlist (US) (NEW)

The ACIST CVi® Contrast Delivery System is designed for the precise administration of radiopaque contrast media during angiographic procedures. It delivers contrast media to a catheter at a flow rate determined by the user. The hand controller and other necessary items are included in angiographic consumable kits. The CVi® system is easily installed, serviced, and […]

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