Ultra-Low Contrast Imaging and PCI (NEW)

Dr. Ziad A. Ali, Interventional Cardiologist at Saint Francis Hospital and Heart Center, emphasizes the significance of reducing contrast exposure and utilizing the least nephrotoxic contrast agents in angiography and percutaneous coronary intervention, particularly in patients with pre-existing chronic kidney disease. By implementing intravenous volume hydration, ensuring appropriate catheter engagement, and limiting contrast injection volume, […]

CVi Low Dose Options (NEW)

In this resource, we look at how the ACIST CVi® Contrast Delivery System optimizes contrast supply. Managing contrast supply can help decrease both dose and waste of contrast, while also reducing the risk of post-procedure CI-AKI for patients presenting for coronary angiography procedures. Some of the key CVi® features and methods that can help reduce […]

ACIST CVi™ Value System Brochure (NEW)

This document explores the impact the ACIST CVi® Contrast Delivery System has in reducing angiography complications and cost while delivering value. CVi® can be beneficial in enhancing patient safety, improving workplace safety, and boosting operational efficiency. By reading this document, you will gain insights into the benefits offered by CVi®.   Increasing Patient Safety: Statistics: […]

Dr. Bob Wilson Study – Radiation Scatter in the Cath Lab (NEW)

Dr. Wilson, Interventional Cardiologist and founder of ACIST Medical Systems, discusses the importance of minimizing radiation scatter within the catheterization lab. Until recently, little was known about the specific risks that cath lab professionals could encounter due to radiation exposure and what this means for workplace and provider safety. Consequently, Dr. Wilson and his team […]

PSI vs Flow Rate with CVi (NEW)

Dr. Wilson, Interventional Cardiologist and founder of ACIST Medical Systems, explains the distinguishing features of the ACIST CVi® Contrast Delivery System compared to other injection systems. One notable difference is that ACIST CVi® utilizes longer tubing, which facilitates more pressure dissipation along its length. It is important to note that all pressure injectors have a […]

COVID-19 Patient Care (NEW)

ACIST Medical Systems offers diagnostic tools to enhance patient care. Education is a key aspect of our partnership. Clinical evidence highlights the impact of COVID-19 on multiple organs, including the kidneys. Acute kidney injury (AKI) can occur in not just the elderly, but also young and healthy adults with COVID-19. A strong correlation exists between […]

CVi Consumables Sheet (NEW)

The ACIST CVi® Contrast Delivery System offers a range of consumable products that aim to simplify setup, effectively manage contrast usage, and ensure precise control and consistency in delivering contrast during angiographic procedures. Among these consumables, you will find the AngioTouch® Hand Controller sets with either ATP or ATX patient kits, both intended for single-patient […]

CVi Quick Guide (NEW)

This is a quick guide for learning how to use and implement the ACIST CVi® Contrast Delivery System. There are a variety of components that make up the CVi® Contrast Injector. Some of these include touch screen monitor, saline pump, injector head, mobile cart, among others. Some of the consumables include the patient tubing, hand […]

Making the Case for CI-AKI Prevention With the ACIST CVi™ Contrast Delivery System (NEW)

In this article by Dr. Sandeep Krishnan, Interventional and Structural Cardiologist at King’s Daughters Medical Center in Ashland, KY, we look at how the ACIST CVi® Contrast Delivery System can benefit medical professionals’ practices and their catheterization labs. CVi® has many safety features that can help reduce the risk of air injection. Not only does […]

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