This study examines the influence of post-PCI intravascular ultrasound (IVUS) evaluation on operator strategy. The objective is to evaluate the effects of additional optimization in patients with low post-PCI FFR values. The trial indicates that performing additional optimization techniques improves post-PCI FFR in patients with FFR < 0.90. The FFR REACT trial utilized IVUS guidance to optimize PCI in patients with low post-PCI FFR values.


Background: Additional optimization in patients with low post-PCI FFR significantly improves post-PCI FFR values. In the FFR REACT trial, we used IVUS to guide PCI optimization in patients with post-PCI FFR < 0.90.

Aims: To assess the impact of post-PCI FFR pullback data and post-PCI IVUS findings on operator strategy.

IVUS evaluation changed treatment strategy in 53.1% of vessels (76/143, p<0.001)


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